Annual Terry Fox run/walk

Once again Fern Avenue Public School is pleased to be hosting its annual Terry Fox run/walk on Thursday, September 30, 2010 (rain date: Friday, October 1st). All monies raised through our event will be forwarded to the Terry fox Foundation to further the cause of cancer research.

Our event will take place on school grounds similar to previous years. Primary, junior and senior students will participate in the event in the afternoon, while JK/SK students will participate separately with their own classes.

All students will participate with their class as part of their Physical Education and Health program. Students are encouraged to voluntarily donate “a toonie for Terry” but this is optional. Any donation is welcome. Cheques over $20 will be issued a receipt for tax purposes from the Terry Fox Foundation. Please ensure that your address is available on the cheque or included with the cheque. Thank you.

We are very proud to be associated with the Terry Fox Foundation and believe that our involvement will foster a deeper understanding and awareness around the issues of cancer and cancer prevention, and that one person can truly make a difference. We hope to count on your support. Let’s keep Terry’s dream to find a cure for cancer alive!

P.S: As an extra incentive, the class that raises the most donations per student will receive a pizza party!

Submitted by Mr. Dibon-Smith on behalf of Fern staff