FTC Newsletter April 2012
Over the past two years FTC raised, with the support of the Fern community, $5000.00 for a clean water project in Kenya. The money has been put toward a $100,000 Bore Hole in Eore Wuaso.
To see a clip of a Bore Hole being dug in Kenya, go to:
Craig Kielburger's Kenya Water Surprise! - YouTube
Click here to download the FTC April Newsletter, or click below to view on the blog.
Facts about Kenya
* FTC has been operating in Kenya since 1999
* In Kenya, the average life expectancy is 54 years
* 46% of the population lives in absolute poverty
* 70% of the population lives on less than $1 USD per day
Health Care in Kenya
For our current focus, members of FTC decided to focus on Health Care in Kenya. Currently, the students have collected $1,736.50 towards our goal of $2,500.
For our local initiative, FTC has decided to support youth homelessness. After researching different youth shelters in Toronto, the students have decided to support the Light Patrol, as described below.
We are currently planning our first event in support of Light Patrol.

Light Patrol is an outreach program of Youth Unlimited (Toronto YFC) that responds to the needs of Toronto’s homeless and street-involved youth. Since 2001, Light Patrol has been assisting and guiding these vulnerable young people, helping them transition away from the destructive elements of Toronto’s street life.
Over the past two years FTC raised, with the support of the Fern community, $5000.00 for a clean water project in Kenya. The money has been put toward a $100,000 Bore Hole in Eore Wuaso.
To see a clip of a Bore Hole being dug in Kenya, go to:
Craig Kielburger's Kenya Water Surprise! - YouTube
Click here to download the FTC April Newsletter, or click below to view on the blog.
Facts about Kenya
* FTC has been operating in Kenya since 1999
* In Kenya, the average life expectancy is 54 years
* 46% of the population lives in absolute poverty
* 70% of the population lives on less than $1 USD per day
Health Care in Kenya
For our current focus, members of FTC decided to focus on Health Care in Kenya. Currently, the students have collected $1,736.50 towards our goal of $2,500.
For our local initiative, FTC has decided to support youth homelessness. After researching different youth shelters in Toronto, the students have decided to support the Light Patrol, as described below.
We are currently planning our first event in support of Light Patrol.

Light Patrol is an outreach program of Youth Unlimited (Toronto YFC) that responds to the needs of Toronto’s homeless and street-involved youth. Since 2001, Light Patrol has been assisting and guiding these vulnerable young people, helping them transition away from the destructive elements of Toronto’s street life.