Toronto Public Health-Dental Screening

Dear Parent,
Toronto Public Health (T.P.H.) provides dental programs to children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8.
To identify children with oral health problems, a screening program is offered to students in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Health requirements for mandatory health programs. The screening is an assessment by a dental hygienist using sterilized instruments. The dental hygienist will assess the need for topical fluoride, scaling, sealant and any other obvious dental needs.
As a follow up to the screening, only parents whose children are identified as requiring dental services will be notified. A note to that effect will be sent home with your child/ren for your information and action. You may also receive a phone call from T.P.H. dental staff to assist you in accessing care.
Please be advised that this screening assessment does not replace the dental examination done by a licensed dentist.
Should you require more information, please contact Toronto Public Health, Dental & Oral Health Services at 416-328-4220.
Dr. Hazel Stewart Director
Dental and Oral Health Services


WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5,6,10(1/2DAY),11, 12TH (9AM-3:30PM)

Please contact Vera Ciric at 416-393-9130 should you have questions about the above dates.