Maggie's special June menu features all-time favourites!
Maggie has planned a June menu not to be missed! Student favourites such as beef burritos, fish and chips, vegetarian lasagna, chicken noodle soup and pizza are featured in this special menu. Check out the menu on the School Calendar on the right-hand side of Fern’s website pages or click here.
If your child(ren) is not already registered, s/he can still enjoy Maggie’s delicious lunches. Simply fill out and submit the form with your payment. A secure deposit box is located outside the Ferncliff Daycare office (Room 103). The deadline for June order forms is Wednesday, May 15 to begin lunch on Monday, June 3. Hard copies of the order form and menu are also available on the bulletin board outside Room 103.
Also, keep an eye out for details about signing up for next school year’s lunch program. We will be sharing more information later in May through Fern’s blog and newsletter and e-mailing families who have participated in the program.
And finally, we will be inviting students who are not enrolled in the lunch program a chance to join their classmates and sample a raved-about favourite – Taco Salad. For one day only, Tuesday, June 4th, there will be a drop-in lunch. After your child has a taste of Maggie’s menu, we hope that you can’t resist signing up for next year’s lunch program! More details to follow.
If your child(ren) is not already registered, s/he can still enjoy Maggie’s delicious lunches. Simply fill out and submit the form with your payment. A secure deposit box is located outside the Ferncliff Daycare office (Room 103). The deadline for June order forms is Wednesday, May 15 to begin lunch on Monday, June 3. Hard copies of the order form and menu are also available on the bulletin board outside Room 103.
Also, keep an eye out for details about signing up for next school year’s lunch program. We will be sharing more information later in May through Fern’s blog and newsletter and e-mailing families who have participated in the program.
And finally, we will be inviting students who are not enrolled in the lunch program a chance to join their classmates and sample a raved-about favourite – Taco Salad. For one day only, Tuesday, June 4th, there will be a drop-in lunch. After your child has a taste of Maggie’s menu, we hope that you can’t resist signing up for next year’s lunch program! More details to follow.