First we would like to thank everyone who came out to our bilingual Ballet Jorgen Canada show on May 2nd. We had a smaller than usual turnout but it was absolutely worth it. Everyone felt so lucky to have seen such a high quality, beautiful show. Exceptional dancers, costumes, props, a moving stage, an audio and visual screen and a lovely story made it a memorable show for everyone. The audience was taught how to experience the story through movement, costume, music and expression. Many of the audience kids were taught and performed a small dance at the end. It was an inspiring event!

The Arts Collective feels very fortunate that we have been able to bring such amazing shows to our kids. We want to give special thanks to the Prologue to the Performing Arts for helping us make this happen.

This years Spring Fling was very successful and we are so proud of Mr. Carrasco's two grade 6 classes that worked on our decoupage chairs that were auctioned off. This was an in-house project run by Val Reinis and Taya Kozak-Goebel. The students did an amazing job on the four chairs. They collectively raised over $750. Thank you to everyone who bought a chair and thank you to everyone who bid and supported our students art!

This spring each Kindergarten class has been working on a choreographed creative movement routine with Trinati, a Fern parent volunteer. Together they have developed a very fun animal-inspired dance to the Lion King's "Circle of Life" song. Although they have been rehearsing the choreography independently, on June 21st at the Kindergarten Year-End Show, the entire group will be performing together! If the weather permits, these "wild dancing animals" may even put their show on outside in the schoolyard!
The students have been working hard and it shows in their fantastic movements and memory of the dance at each rehearsal.

This year the grade 8's have been working on a Graffiti style mural project in the senior stairwell. This is an in-house project run by artist Chris Ciric and artist/parent Taya Kozak-Goebel. After some classroom lessons on street art, stencil design and application each grade 8 student from Ms. Basu, Mr. Cowan, Mr. Tintner, Ms. Carter and Mr. Nikolajevic's class produced their own stencil. Together they have created a mural that really speaks to the interests and personalities of this years grade 8's.

"We really thought we would have the interest of maybe half the students but by the end of the project, students that normally don't tend to participate or show enthusiasm were crowding the halls when we came to paint. Some students were so keen they were allowed to do more than one stencil. We had students in grade 6 and 7 asking if they could do a stencil too. To me this is what makes this a really successful project." - Taya

This project is still underway with a top floor landing piece being hand painted currently. We highly recommend you take a look next time you are in the school.

Robert L. Stevenson once said "Wine is bottled poetry" and it is with this wise sentiment that the Arts Collective is pleased to announce it will be holding a LUCKY WINE DRAW at the Fern Fun Fair. Please consider donating a bottle or two of your favourite, possibly poetry-inducing wine to the raffle. Vera has kindly left a box to leave bottles in the main office.

We will sell tickets at the Fun Fair and declare the winners in the last half hour. If you miss the draw, we will call you with the good news and pick up can be arranged through If you have any questions please feel free to drop Valerie a line. Thanks very much!

Wednesday June 12th there will be a Senior music night. The Arts Collective is proud to show the films that Ms. Chakungal's grade 7 class did in their OAC week long film workshop this year. We will also be showing films done by the grade 6's and 8's at this years Tiff one day workshop. More details to follow from the Senior Division...but there will be popcorn!

Next years Committee money requests are due to the Council by June 11th. The Arts Collective is proud to announce we have applied for funding for next year and with parent and Council support we will be continuing to do our best to bring art to Fern. This year we felt we had enough funding to do everything we wanted to and we managed to raise close to $2000 which will go back into the Council pot for next year. We will be asking for the same amount next year. Please consider coming out to support the arts request and vote for us at the June 20th meeting.

Thank you for your support,
The Arts Collective