The New Millennium Teen - Helping your child navigate challenging years in a challenging time
WHO: Jennifer Kolari, M.S.W, R.S.W., author and founder of Connected Parenting is a therapist who has been helping children, teens and families get connected for 20 years.
Jennifer Kolari is the Parenting expert on CBC’s Steven and Chris show, and has appeared frequently on Canada AM and Breakfast Television. Her advice can be found in many Canadian and U.S. magazines, such as Today’s Parent, Redbook, Parent Magazine and Canadian Family on the health. Her entertaining workshops and insightful strategies, shared with warmth and humour, make her a highly sought-after speaker with schools, corporations and agencies throughout North America.
TOPIC: With warmth and humor, this workshop will explore the delicate bond between teens and their parents. Parents will learn to balance empathy with limit setting to strengthen and deepen their relationships with their teens. Connected Parenting will offer parents effective strategies to avoid power struggles, help their teens make safe choices and instill in them confidence and resilience. In this workshop, you will learn about some mental health issues youth might struggle with, how to spot the warning signs, and what you as a parent can do to support your teen.
WHEN: Wednesday MAY 28TH, 2014
TIME: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Central Commercial Collegiate, Auditorium
570 Shaw Street Toronto (416) 393-0030
(School is located between College St. & Shaw and Harbord St. & Shaw)
Street parking available on Shaw St. or school lot on Roxton Rd.