Fern Avenue Bike Rodeo
Wednesday, May 8th is the Bike Rodeo date for all of our Grade 4 and 5 students.
This is a half day event and an amazing opportunity for our students to learn about Bike Safety, Signs and Signals, Helmet Fit and more.
If your child is in Grade 4 or 5, please make sure she or he brings a helmet, lock and a bike (if he/she has one) on the day of the Rodeo. Students will be trying their hand at safe biking under the supervision of teachers, volunteers and specialized visiting staff.
If your child does not have a bike, they can share one with a willing friend, but please do encourage your child to participate.
An event such as this one cannot happen without volunteers. If you are able to spare any time at all through the day, please let your child’s teacher know. It would be greatly appreciated.
Bicycle care and safety is a life skill and we encourage ALL students to avail this opportunity with enthusiasm and gusto!
*Please note: On May 8th, all bikes are to be locked on the North side of the school playground, on the wooden fence parallel to Wright Avenue.