Fern Catch-Up Fund

The Fern Catch Up Fund Direct Appeal

If you haven't seen it already, check your kid’s backpack for a flier about the Fern Catch Up Fund!  

We know that some folks don’t necessarily have time to participate in things like bake sales, movie nights etc. to fundraise for their kid’s school: they would prefer to donate directly.  As the year draws to a close, we invite our Fern families who are in a position to give a little extra to donate to the Fern Catch Up Fund. 

What is it?

The Fern Catch up Fund is a special year-end giving campaign that offers parents and community members a simple, effective way to contribute to the initiatives that our School Council supports to enhance your child's education.

What does the money pay for?

In the past, we've spent money on things like 

-Arts performances 
-Science facilitators and equipment
- New team shirts and equipment for our teams and clubs
- Purchases of technology
- Parent workshops 
…and more.

For example, this year we have paid or committed to pay the following from funds we raised last year:

- Forest of Reading Library Books for the Library -- $2500

- New mouthpieces for the Junior and Senior Band -- $770

- Mural by indigenous artist Philip Cote -- $12000

- Performances for all Fern students --  approx $4000

- Indigenous arts education for primary classes -- $800* (may be more classes involved later in the year)

- Replacing t-shirts for Fern sports teams -- $750

We've also got money set aside for EDI education initiatives, STEM purchases and facilitators, Grad, the Eco-Club, Pride at Fern and more.... 

Who decides how the money is spent?

Short answer, you do!  School Council collaborates with the Admin, teachers and parents to fund things that are important to Fern teachers and Fern families.  There are limits to what we can spend the money on -- for example, the Education Act doesn't let us buy air conditioning or give people raises, but we can fund enhancements to your child's education.  

And we work closely with the staff to ensure that we spend money on things that the teachers want and will use.  

How do I donate?

And, because we are running this appeal through the TDSB School Cash Online, your donation to the Fern Catch Up Fund will be tax-deductible. 

Donate here: https://tdsb.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/457/153/false/true?school=701&initiative=29

OR log into tdsb.schoolcashonline.com, select "Make a Donation" and choose Fern Ave Jr & Sr PS. 

But please donate today – the TDSB provides us with a time-limited window for collecting donations directly, and our deadline for donations is Dec. 31, 2024!

Happy Holidays and thank you again Fern Family! 

Questions?  Please email us at Fernaveschoolcouncil@gmail.com

Alison McLean (co-chair School Council) on behalf of School Council Exec.