Help Collect a Thousand Toys for West End Families. Fern Ave Public School, together with local businesses Umoja Soccer, Guardian Pharmacy, Scooter Girl Toys, and other area schools (Garden Ave. P.S., Dr. Rita Cox - Kina Minagok P.S. and Ursula Franklin Secondary, to name a few) are committing to collect a thousand toys to be distributed to local families, with vouchers being distributed at the PCFB, Romero House, area schools*, and other community agencies. It was magic last year to see the village come together to support the incredibly diverse group of families who came in to do their "shopping." You don't have to celebrate Christmas to want something special for your kids this time of year! We want to replicate last year's magic, so if you are in a position to do so, please drop off new, unwrapped toys, games, books, puzzles, art supplies etc (for kids aged 12 and under) in the front foyer before the end of the school day FRIDAY, DECEMBE...