Fern Stem Night

Save the date: Tuesday, March 26th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Our FERN STEM event takes place over 2 days and culminates in one big epic STEM Night on March 26th where everyone is invited to participate in all sorts of activities and challenges. It's learning and fun for the whole family!

On Monday, March 25th (during the school day) The STEM adventure begins...

Grade 7: Spaghetti Tower Build - The grade 7's will be challenged to structurally engineer towers that can hold a load of weight. Those that survive will be ceremoniously destroyed on STEM Night after demonstrating feats of strength. Come watch!

Grade 8: Cardboard Boat Build (with the help of lots of duct tape) - teams of grade 8's will build boats, then board them and attempt to race them across the Fern pool! Don't worry we'll capture it all on video to share at STEM Night for all to enjoy.

On Tuesday, March 26th the STEM adventures continue (during the school day).

Every class will participate in a science project with the help of grade 7/8's and a huge team of parent volunteers. Here's the list of what each grade will be doing:

JK: Team Tower Building

SK: Friction Lab

Grade 1: Sensory Lab

Grade 2: Light Lab

Grade 3: Art Bots

Grade 4: Marble Run

Grade 5: Mechanical hands

Grade 6: Egg Splat

In the evening of March 26, everyone is invited to our STEM Night to see what the kids made during the day.

As you can imagine we need lots of volunteers to make this event happen so stay tuned for the sign-up link.

More details and announcements will be posted about STEM NIGHT/DAY soon.

QUESTIONS? fernstemcommittee@gmail.com

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