End of School Year Up-date For Parents Regarding H1N1 Influenza Virus Since the new H1N1 influenza virus began to circulate in Toronto in late April, Toronto Public Health, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and others have been providing information to schools, day cares and parents about this virus. At this point, we know that: Influenza is commonly seen in schools and day cares every year. As expected, students and children attending a number of Toronto schools and day cares have become infected with the H1N1 influenza virus. H1N1 influenza is not being seen in more children than would happen during a regular influenza season. H1N1 influenza causes illness very much like regular seasonal influenza. People who are ill with H1N1 influenza can get fever, chills, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and sometimes nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. Most people infected with this new virus have recovered without the need for medical care. As with seasonal infl...