Deadline extended: Your family can still sign up for Maggie’s yummy and healthy lunches in September!
If you haven't already signed up for Maggie’s yummy and nutritious lunches in September, you still can. With full-time kindergarten beginning at Fern, there are slight changes to signing up for the hot lunch program that may have been overlooked. The Food Committee will be handling the administration of the 2014-2015 lunch orders for: -all kindergarten students (including those in Ferncliff Daycare); please note that kindergarten students will be eating lunches in their classroom -school-age children who are not enrolled in Ferncliff (with the exception of those enrolled in the school-age 9+ program) -Lunches for Ferncliff Daycare children in pre-school and aged 6-8 will be processed by Ferncliff. In order to allow new Fern families to enroll in the hot-lunch program, and to give another opportunity for all students to start the school year off with delicious and nutritious lunches, the FINAL deadline for September lunches has been extended to Friday, August 15. · ...