January 24 Parent Council Meeting Agenda

Fern Public School - January 24, 2008 - 7 pm to 9 pm
(Childcare provided)

Agenda Items

1. Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting
3. Dress code - John Richmond / Craig Tsuji - A TDSB discussion of dress code and issues related at Fern School.
4. President's Report - John Richmond
5. Treasurer's Report - Amy Stein
6. Committee Reports:
Arts Committee
Greening Committee
Science & Technology
Fundraising (Dance-A-Thon)
7. Principal's Report - Craig Tsuji
8. Ward 7 Report - Catherine Marjoribanks
9. Communication - John Richmond / Amy Stein - Website/email (usage/protocols)
10. Winter Solstice discussion