Budget decisions at the TDSB: an update

Trustee Atkinson has provided us with new, up-to-date information concerning recommendations for the 2008-2009 budget.

Kindergarten Educational Assistants: Staff has withdrawn the proposal to reduce regular kindergarten Educational Assistants by $23 million (approximately 600 positions). What will be before the Finance Committee Thursday, February 21, are the following two, somewhat less drastic options.

Option 1: Status quo approach, with a reduction of 27 positions due
to attrition and declining enrolment. Staff is recommending this.

Option 2: 1/3 reduction of Educational Assistants. Reduction of 182, leaving 409 remaining.

Swimming Pools: The City is proposing that the following Ward 7 pools be rented by the City for Parks and Recreation programs: Parkdale P.S. Swansea PS Runnymede C.I. There has been, however, no interest in renting the pools at: Fern, Humberside, Keele, Parkdale C.I., Western Tech, and Ursula Franklin Academy.

The Board approved a motion in June 2007 that called for decommissioning pool operations beginning in September 2008. Attempts to secure funding from Provincial and City sources have been unsuccessful.

It is proposed that unfunded pools be closed over the next two years, beginning in 2008-09. A list of pools identified for closure in June 2008 would be provided at a committee meeting on February 27, 2008. Space conversion would be undertaken at schools that would otherwise experience scheduling challenges.

Pools funded through the City (35 total) would continue to operate as long as there were no capital maintenance requirements. (This is contrary to the City proposed Letter of Understanding which requires the TDSB to pay up to $250,000 in repair costs per rented pool.)

An analysis of the program impact of pool closures is expected to be completed by the end of March. It has not yet been determined how many pool support staff would be laid off.

Elementary teacher librarians: No reduction recommended.

Some other proposed changes:

Reading Clinics: Closed. Early Years Literacy Project, Reading Recovery, and Literacy and Math coaches remain. Each Family of Schools can access one Literacy and one Numeracy coach through realignment.

Special Education teachers: Reduction of 27 due to declining enrolment.

Lunchroom Supervisors: No reduction recommended.

Clerical support staff: Status quo. No reduction.

Safety Monitors: An increase of 26 recommended.

Caretaking staff: Status quo -- no reduction recommended.

Vice-Principals: Status quo -- no reduction recommended.

Teachers: Declining enrolment applied. No change.

Discussion of proposed budget decisions will be part of our School Council meeting at 7:00 pm on February 21. If you would like to join the discussion, please come out to the meeting -– all parents are welcome, and childcare is provided. Feedback from Fern P.S. parents will be forwarded to Trustee Atkinson.