Fern is a Gold Ecoschool!

Fern Avenue Ecoschool Committee proudly announces that we have once again achieved Gold Certification. This program formally recognizes our school's excellent environmental initiatives.

Even though sadly we have lost the compost bins, we have managed to stay in the race with other initiatives:
''Shutdown" - the teachers are now shutting down their computers every night; and
"Let the Sun In" - all classes turn off the lights when it is bright and sunny outside.

Our level of electrical consumption has been markedly reduced and we can all be proud of our school community. Our continued recycling campaign is still going strong and we are looking at alternatives to the compost bins for the hot lunch program waste.

Please contact Joanne Somers at (416) 530-1284 or email joannesomers@rogers.com if you are interested in joining our enthusiastic team.