Do you have a good idea for the school this year...

...but need some $$$ ?

Each year parents, teachers and staff participate in fundraising activities to support and enhance our children’s experience at Fern. The money raised during a school year is spent on activities for the following year.

The School Council funding policy also takes into account in-year requests for funding. 20% of the money raised during any school year is available to be spent in the current school year.

Who can request funding?
• It’s open to everyone - parents, guardians, teachers, school administration, students
• Requests can be made by individuals or groups of people.

Process for requesting funding
• There is a form to make it easier to request funding:
- available in hard copy in the office and taken home by each student
- available online here

• Complete and submit the form 2 weeks prior to the next School Council meeting:
- preferred: via email to
- if hard copy: to Vera in the office or put in the School Council mailbox

• The School Council executive reviews and assesses proposals looking at fairness/diversity (all students should benefit; although not from each proposal); value for money; resources required, etc. The executive will also look at possible duplication and opportunities for combining requests.
• If possible, funding requests will be posted on this notice board prior to the School Council meeting. That’s why we prefer you to submit your request via email.

Process for approving funding
• The School Council executive will bring any funding proposals forward at School Council meetings for the Council to consider and to vote on.

• People requesting funds will have a couple of minutes to speak to their proposals.

Submitted by Carol Pauker, Secretary, Fern School Council