Partnership Agreement --SeeHear Canada (June 2008)

Program Title: Hearing/Vision Screening Service

Goals & Objectives:
· To provide a hearing/vision screening service for students in participating elementary schools (JK – Grade 8)
· To provide follow-up report to school families referred for further assessment

Program Description:
Schools requesting the service will be sent permission forms (packaged 30/class) two weeks prior to the scheduled screening service dates. Forms and fees ($10/student or free if need is indicated) are collected and returned to the office. Principal or designate determines the process for delivering the service on screening day(s), and where appropriate, staff PD session may be provided. SeeHear Canada will prepare and provide an assessment report for each student and the school will distribute these to parents/guardians.

Program Timelines:
The screenings will take place at schools (up to 60 students are screened/day) during the school year.

Participating Schools:
All TDSB elementary schools may request SeeHear Canada hearing/screening service, except TDSB’s Inner City Model Schools (hearing/ vision screening clinics are provided to these schools through an alternate delivery model).

Hearing Clinics may be initiated in collaboration with the school’s External Partnerships – Supplemental Student Services Committee.

Resources Committed:
TDSB Schools:
- administrative and staff support
- designated room (10 ft. long) that is relatively quiet for testing, with an electrical outlet (for vision screening)

SeeHear Canada:
- program staff, equipment & supplies
- discuss hearing/vision assessment report with Principal or designate

SeeHear Contact Representatives:
Jennifer Smith, Head Technician
- Phone: 416-495-9485
- Email: