Fern Food Program Open House
The Fern Food Program Advisory Committee invites all parents, guardians and members of the Fern Community to an Open House on:
Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 7:00 – 8:00 pm
in the School Cafeteria. Childcare provided in the Parenting Centre.
Would you like your child to have a nutritious hot lunch at school? Is your child already enjoying the lunches and you’d like to know more about how they are made and funded? Did you know that Fern is one of the only public schools in Toronto with a hot lunch program?
Your child could join the legions of Fern kids who over the years have enjoyed and thrived on the healthy lunches they get every day in their own cafeteria.
Meet our cook, Maggie, who will present some of her menus. Find out about lunchroom supervision. Learn about Fern as an Eco-School.
We welcome your ideas, questions, concerns, and participation!
Click here for more information about the Fern Food Program:
Food Program description 2009.pdf
Submitted by Carol Pauker, secretary, school council
Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 7:00 – 8:00 pm
in the School Cafeteria. Childcare provided in the Parenting Centre.
Would you like your child to have a nutritious hot lunch at school? Is your child already enjoying the lunches and you’d like to know more about how they are made and funded? Did you know that Fern is one of the only public schools in Toronto with a hot lunch program?
Your child could join the legions of Fern kids who over the years have enjoyed and thrived on the healthy lunches they get every day in their own cafeteria.
Meet our cook, Maggie, who will present some of her menus. Find out about lunchroom supervision. Learn about Fern as an Eco-School.
We welcome your ideas, questions, concerns, and participation!
Click here for more information about the Fern Food Program:
Food Program description 2009.pdf
Submitted by Carol Pauker, secretary, school council