Communications committee update

The Fern communications committee is pleased to welcome two new parent members - Craig Charnock and Carmen Victor - who will help out as email editors and on other communications initiatives. We also thank Luiza Monteiro for her tremendous help as email editor this year.

Short-term committee goals are:

  • Getting more school events into the calendar section of the on-line Notice Board
  • Surveying parents on what communication improvements they would like to see
  • Working with the school administration to plan for collecting communications information from Fern families in September, particularly those who are new to the school

Longer term (during the next school year) committee goals and ideas include:

  • Increasing the participation of Fern teachers in the on-line Notice Board and email distribution list
  • Working with school administration and school council to improve the consistency/thoroughness of news, events and other information getting onto the Notice Board
  • Making Notice Board modifications, including space for a banner ad, a section for school council meeting minutes, and potentially sections for classroom-specific info (eg homework assignments), sports team news, etc.
  • Initiatives to make the Notice Board more dynamic, including a new title banner, colour photos, contest/prizes to reward participation, and in general more quickly changing content

The committee recognizes that the on-line Notice Board is a valuable communications tool for administration, teachers, parents and students. The Notice Board also helps to share and promote Fern's image as a school with an engaged, dynamic and innovative parent and staff community.