Fern Pool Update

The Fern Pool was re-opened by the TDSB Board on Wednesday September 23, 2009. The projected day to open is as close to October 12/09 as possible. Our pool is operational, which means the facility itself is functional and can be used by permits only at this point. It is not yet staffed by the TDSB, and we are working toward having it staffed (caretaker and lifeguards) by October 12, 2009.

To keep our pool open, we still have the issue of the shortfall of permit revenue. Our parent group and Aquatics Working Group (AWG) are still brainstorming on how to generate more than $15,000 to keep the pool open. To ensure that our pool remains open, we must work collectively with our community to address further risk of pool closure.

There is an AWG meeting scheduled for Tuesday September 29, 2009, from 5 - 7 pm at the Canadian Tire Conference Centre located at 2200 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor. The meeting will be held by David Crombie to bring the Toronto Community together to develop strategies to support re-opening pools and keeping pools open permanently.

Please contact Paula Larrondo (Parent Council School Executive) at larrondop@yahoo.ca if you are able to attend this important meeting and / or want to join the parent group supporting the pools.

Article in today's Toronto Star

This pool update also appears in the Fern School Newsletter.