Welcome to the new school year at Fern Public School
It's the 2009 - 2010 School Year at Fern!
Communications Update: The Communications Committee at Fern is made up of parent volunteers. This year, the Communications Committee will continue to work with the school office, teachers and parents in an effort to increase the flow of communication to the website. If you have any information you want to share with the school community, send a message to fernnoticeboard ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com.
Join our Mailing List: To join, visit http://schools.tdsb.on.ca/fern/mail and sign up. If you were on the mailing list last year, you do not need to sign up again.
Save Trees: The principal and staff at Fern Public School produce a monthly newsletter, in an effort to cut down the amount of paper used by the school, it is now posted on the website instead. If you prefer a paper copy, contact the office at 416-393-9130.