Message from Fern School Council Chair

To begin I would like to thank John Richmond and Carol Pauker for their service for on the 2008-2009 School Council. As well, I would like to thank the following individuals who have agreed to serve on the 2009 -2010 School Council Executive.

Marissa Heisel – Co-Chair
Sally Brady – Treasure
Liz Leason – Secretary
Paula Larrondo – Ward 7 Representative
Lise Snelgrove – Ward 7 Representative

This will be my fifth year serving in an executive role on the Fern School Council. Each consecutive council has had its challenges but has managed to continue sponsor quality programming for our children. It is my goal to continue to provide quality programming and to take on some new challenges.

Specifically, I will strive to improve:

Parent participation on Council
Volunteer participation
Community building
Communication from the Council executive to the school community

I ask you to help me meet my challenges as a community by stepping forward and giving a little bit of you time. The time spent is both rewarding to you and your children.

If you have any questions or would like to help feel free to contact me by dropping me a note in the School Council box in the office, contacting me at or approach me on the play ground.

I look forward to your support.

Andre Breau
Chair, Fern Ave PS School Council