Feb. 5 is application deadline for SK French immersion
For children entering senior kindergarten in September, the deadline to apply for French immersion is Friday, February 5 (at midnight).
The PARS system for on-line registration for SK French Immersion is live at www.tdsb.on.ca/pars
There is no PIN requirement. To apply for your child, you need their OEN (Ontario education number) and date of birth. The school can assist with the OEN number, which you should also be able to find on their report card.
Submitted by Amy Stein, communications committee
The PARS system for on-line registration for SK French Immersion is live at www.tdsb.on.ca/pars
There is no PIN requirement. To apply for your child, you need their OEN (Ontario education number) and date of birth. The school can assist with the OEN number, which you should also be able to find on their report card.
Submitted by Amy Stein, communications committee