Parents needed for Grade 8 Graduation

Is Your Child in Grade 8? Then mark Monday June 28 in your calendars; you will be busy, the grade 8 class is graduating, and we are looking for people who are interested in helping with the festivities.

Grade 7 parents we need your help, too! Last year we brought back the tradition of Grade 7 parents helping out at the graduation. It was greatly appreciated by the grade 8 parents. They could relax and enjoy the company of family and friends and be proud of their kids without thinking about taking a shift to serve cake. And remember . . . it will be you asking for this next year.

For more information: Click Grade 8 Graduation in the list of Links at the top right of the message board.

To get involved or join the mailing list: Send an email to containing:
  • Your name and contact information
  • The name of your child and his or her teacher
  • Which event you are interested in supporting, or if you want information only
  • If it is OK to share your email (we will be making a contact list)