Fern goes PLATINUM!

To The Fern Ave Jr. Sr. PS EcoTeam:

Congratulations on achieving PLATINUM certification on your recent EcoSchools audit.

The KICK-OFF DATE for your school is October 26, 2010. Please mark this date on your calendars now. You will receive a follow-up e-mail in September detailing the time and location of your kick-off session.

In addition, all of the 2010 Platinum schools are invited to a special PLATINUM CELEBRATION that will be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at the Brickworks from 4:00pm. to 6:00pm. A more formal invitation will also be sent to the schools in September but please add this date to your school calendar as well.

Thank you for your continued support for EcoSchools and congratulations on your 2010 certification.

Rhoda Potter
EcoSchools Consultant

Congratulations to the whole Eco-Team as this is an incredible achievement after only just deciding to apply for Platinum status this year. The outstanding hard work of Joanne Somers, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Tse and Ms. McKeown and students on the Eco-Team has demonstrated that anything is possible.

Three Cheers for FERN ECO-TEAM!

Craig Tsuji