Welcome back to the Notice Board
Our school community web site has been dormant over the summer, but as we head into the new school year it will once again be the site to visit, whenever you want to find (or provide) news and info about the school.
If you subscribe to our mailing list you will also receive emails about once or twice a week, alerting you to the latest news posted here.
This web site and the email list are administered by Fern's communications committee, made up of parent volunteers. The information you find here comes from parents, the principal's office, teachers, and others.
To submit an announcement for posting, please email it, without any formatting, in the body of an email to fernnoticeboard@gmail.com. Longer items may be sent as an attachment to the email, preferably in pdf format. A member of the communications committee will post it to this web site, usually within a few hours for simple unformatted messages, and within a day for longer submissions with an attachment.
On behalf of the communications committee - welcome to the new school year!
Amy Stein, communications committee member
If you subscribe to our mailing list you will also receive emails about once or twice a week, alerting you to the latest news posted here.
This web site and the email list are administered by Fern's communications committee, made up of parent volunteers. The information you find here comes from parents, the principal's office, teachers, and others.
To submit an announcement for posting, please email it, without any formatting, in the body of an email to fernnoticeboard@gmail.com. Longer items may be sent as an attachment to the email, preferably in pdf format. A member of the communications committee will post it to this web site, usually within a few hours for simple unformatted messages, and within a day for longer submissions with an attachment.
On behalf of the communications committee - welcome to the new school year!
Amy Stein, communications committee member