Ordering Lunch for April
The April lunch menu is now available from the Lunch Lady and for download here. Hand in your forms by Wednesday, March 30, or contact the Lunch Lady directly if you miss the deadline.
Please note that the last three Wednesdays of April (April 13, 20, and 27) will NOT be catered by the Lunch Lady. Instead, we will be bringing back pizza lunch Wednesdays! You will NOT have to pre-order lunch for those days - just send money with your child to pay cash on that day. We will send out reminders and further details well in advance.
Please note that the last three Wednesdays of April (April 13, 20, and 27) will NOT be catered by the Lunch Lady. Instead, we will be bringing back pizza lunch Wednesdays! You will NOT have to pre-order lunch for those days - just send money with your child to pay cash on that day. We will send out reminders and further details well in advance.