Sorauren Park - Day Sports Camps for Girls

For the past few years, Toronto Parks and Rec has been running GIRLS' ACTIVITY DAY CAMPS THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER at the Sorauren Park Fieldhouse. They are great and inexpensive, because they are subsidized.

This year, they do not have enough girls enrolled in the programs and they are in danger of getting cancelled. Are you interested?

Camps include a day trip to the BLUE JAYS home games. You can't beat the price, and having the girls outdoors running around and playing sports, then indoors doing art, is perfect.

Age group: 9-13 (or with a sibling age 7)

July dates, activities and weekly prices are below:
July 03 Volleyball Camp $44
July 09 Baseball Camp $56
July 16 Soccer Camp $56
July 23 Basketball Camp

There are also camps scheduled in August. Please see page 54 of the City of Toronto SUMMER CAMP - FUN GUIDE or contact Deborah Sullivan from Parks and Recreation at 416-392-5144.