
The “Francofête” is underway from March 18 to the 22 at Fern. 

La francofête is celebrating it’s 17th year.  This festival began in Québec, in order to celebrate francophone communities and culture.  It is linked to “La journée Internationale de la francophonie” which is celebrated by many francophone countries on March 20th of every year.  Many events, celebrations, contests and activities occur in various communities to celebrate the willingness, the pride and the joy of living with the French language.  

This week once again, the Fern French Team of teachers will be hosting activities in their classrooms.  Larger division events such as the French spelling Bee are also planned.

The following is a list of some of the activities for this year’s Francofête.  

Monday March 18  Tell me a French Joke - Tongue Twisters
Thème:  Raconte moi un blague en français, r/cite moi un virelangue

Tuesday March 19 Dress in the colours of a francophone speaking country or province
Thème: Habille toi dans le s couleurs d'un pays ou d'une province francophone
Group Activity: Scrabble Tournament (in French of course) 

Wednesday March 20 The day Politeness and of a 1000 thank yous
Thème: La journée de la polisses et des milles mercis
Group Activity: Concours d'épellation - French Spelling Bee Finals in the auditorium PM
- Looking for the top spellers in all grades and an overall school winner.
- Student should speak to their respective French teachers regarding details

Thursday March 21 Sing me a French song or recite a French poem
Thème: Chante moi une petite chanson française ou récite un poème français.

Friday March 22 Dress-up Day - as a famous French speaking person
Thème: Déguise-toi en vedette francophone.
Group Activity: Film Français in the auditorium

Any questions can be directed to

“La Francofête, célébration du français et de la francophonie