Hot news about Fern’s hot-lunch program!

Don’t miss out on a delicious lunch the first day of school in September (and then you can forget about finding your child’s lunchbox on Labour Day night!)

Thanks to strong support and participation by students and parents, plus dedicated volunteers and staff, Fern’s lunch program continues to be a strong lunch model within TDSB.

If you’d like to sign up now for 2013-2014 school lunches, fill out the order form. The deadline is Friday, June 21 for lunches starting on Tuesday, September 3. Full details can be found in our letter outlining next year’s program.

Families have the option of paying either a monthly fee based on the number of meals served per month; or $65 per month for those who wish to commit their family for the whole school year with post-dated cheques for 10 consecutive months. (By handing over the year’s lunch duty to Fern’s program, the latter saves parents time, money – a savings of $55 per child over the year – and the stress of having to pack a lunch that their children will eat. This also makes the administration easier for the parent volunteers who process the orders.)

If you have any further questions about the lunch program, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions or contact Tracy Kett at or 416-535-0205.

If you would like to get involved in the Food Committee or volunteer with the program, please contact Pamela Lapierre at

The Food Committee would like to thank our fabulous student and parent volunteers, staff and administration, parents and of course the kids, for making the program such a success. We believe this lunch program delivers many benefits and we encourage you to help support healthy food, a healthy school and a healthy community.