Message from the Fern Food Committee

We need your help!

Do you have even one hour, once a month, to spare at lunchtime? If yes, please let us know!

The hot-lunch program is a volunteer-driven initiative and we are looking for more Fern community members who can help in Maggie’s kitchen from 11:30 to 12:45.

Some of our volunteers do not even have children in the lunch program yet they enjoy seeing the excitement and activity in the lunchroom, engaging with other parents, being a part of the hub that helps sustain the program and maybe sneaking in a hug or wink to their kids. Our awesome volunteers have found the experience rewarding and say that it’s a fun way to be a part of the Fern community and stay connected in support of healthy food, a healthy school and a healthy community.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering please contact Pamela Lapierre at

Fern Food Committee