Put your hands in the air and raise your spirit!

A School Council Fundraiser to support additional programs and enhanced learning opportunities.

Where: Fern Avenue Public School

When: Friday, February 21, 2014

With DJ James spinning the tunes
Dance inspiration from Broadway Arts Centre
Lights and sound by alienInFlux Sound System

The Class that raises the most money will be rewarded a pizza lunch!

We need volunteers. If you can help out email:liz.leason@rogers.com
Volunteers required for a brief shift between 9am – 11:30am and 12:45am – 3:00pm. Please help out if you can.

Pledge sheets will be sent home in the backpacks on Monday February 10. Return Donations in the donation envelope before February 21 to the Drop box in the main office.  Please make cheques payable to “Fern Avenue School Council”

Thank you for your support.