Ward 7 Meeting Notes from February 25/14

Associate Director of Finance and Operations, Carla Kisko, gave an outstanding presentation on the challenges facing the School Board and City around capital planning and space issues. 
The following main points were discussed;
    •    No reduction to TDSB operating grants   
    •    Increase in capital funding
    •    Access to development levies from condos & new construction
    •    Creation of a dedicated City tax levy for the school board
    •    Selling properties is short sighted and bad planning
    •    Speed up and simplify Municipal Planning process
    •    Share responsibility for TDSB school sites with the City

People agreed that these issues must become election issues.  Once an election is called, an all candidates meeting will be arranged.

PART 11:

    •    Operating Budget:  a recommendation for a balanced budget will be going to March 5th Board for approval.  No school based staff reductions, any reductions result of declining enrolment.
Elementary enrolment increasing – no reductions of staff.
Secondary enrolment declining in the short term – 165 fewer teachers. 
Inner City – 8 instructors reinstated - $750,000 cost will be absorbed in budget.

    •    Western Tech proposal passed the Programs Committee and will be voted on at the March 5th Board meeting with 3 minor amendments.

FSLAC report from Laura Steele Gunter;
  • Extd. French numbers are up all over the TDSB (8 students in TDSB still need a program location)
  • Placements will be offered to all students who applied by Jan. 31/14 for Early Immersion and Extended Gr 7. Students should know by the end of Feb. where they are being offered a program for Sept. 2014
  •  TDSB Superintendents doing "Strategic Planning for Future Growth" in FI and Extd. programs
  • new FSL elementary curriculum available on the Ministry of Education and FSLAC TDSB site (tdsb.on.ca/fslac)
  • reminder about the FSL Homework Toolbox and the FSLAC Newsletter resources on the tdsb/fslac website
  • to sign up to receive the newsletter directly email to : fslactoronto@gmail.com
No SEAC Report.
No PIAC Report.

The next Ward 7 Meeting date is April 15th, 2014
                End of year party – date TBD.
                April/May – Provincial All Candidates meeting
                October – Municipal/Trustee All Candidates meeting