Spring Fling : Saturday May 10 – High Park Curling Club

Love the music of the 80s?
Send us your song suggestions for dancing at the Spring Fling!

Include the full song title and artist.
Send to: liz.leason@rogers.com

Calling All Auctioneers: We are in need of a Auctioneer for the Live Auction that takes place at the Spring Fling. It is a short time commitment and a lot of FUN! Contact Liz Leason if you are interested or know someone who is.

Calling All Basket-Fillers: Please look for the letter sent home Wednesday, April 9. It details the exciting Spring Fling basket you child’s class will be putting together. Some classes may be putting together a basket that contain a few bigger items. Why not get together with a some parents in your child’s class and consider contributing one of the bigger items for the basket?

*** Please bring the basket items to your *** 
*** child’s classroom by Tuesday, April 22. ***