Terry Fox Run - September 28, 2016

Fern Ave. P.S. is holding its annual Terry Fox Run on Wednesday, Sept. 28 (with a rain date of Thursday Sept. 29). This is a great opportunity to learn about Terry Fox and his story, and to use his examples of perseverance, dedication and empathy to follow. As well, it is a great time to discuss aspects of healthy lifestyles which can help to reduce the risk of cancer.

Running Schedule:
The JK/SK students - morning
Grade 4-6 - 1:30 to 2:00
Grade 1-3 - 2:20 to 2:40
Grade 7&8 - 2:45 to 3:15

Family members who are available and interested are welcome to join their child/children for this event. Please just check in with Vera Ciric in the office when arriving.

All Fern students will participate and donations are optional. Families who wish to donate the Terry Fox Foundation can do so online at www.terryfox.org . Families who have collected pledges or who wish to make a small donation can drop it off directly in the office. Otherwise, students can give their donations and pledge sheets to their homeroom teacher.
Pledge forms, stickers and tattoos are coming home soon.
Thank you very much
Andrew Fennell Archdekin & Vera Ciric