Toonies for Terry Fox : Terry Fox Run on Thursday, October 5th.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The Terry Fox Run will be on Thursday, October 5th, with a rain date of Tuesday, October 10th.

This year we will not be sending out pledge sheets but ask that a donation of a toonie be given in Terry's memory.
Should you wish to donate on line please do so at

Schedule Outline Thursday Oct. 5 (Rain Day Tuesday Oct. 10)

JK/SK  -  9:15-10:00am
Junior (gr.4-6) –  1:30 – 2:00
Primary (gr.1-3) – 2:15 – 2:40
Senior (gr.7&8). - 2:45 - 3:15

Family members who wish to attend must check in with the office for safety purposes.

Thank you Everyone!