There’s Still time to Give in 2018! Help us reach our goal of $100k!

What will your donations support?

Programmes in 2018/2019:
• Arts Collective, to provide an artist in all 30 classrooms: $6000
• Scientist in the School in all 30 classrooms: $4000
• STEM Junior and Senior Clubs: $2000
• STEM Day/Night for the whole school: $2500
• Grade 8 graduation/Grade 8 trip: $2500
• Food Committee, to subsidize the Food Program: $500
• Library for Forest of Reading Program: $2600

A New Playground
We’re Halfway There! We’ve raised $100,000 but we need at least $100,000 more by October 1, 2019 to see shovels in the ground by June 2020.

What will your donations buy?
• A new natural play structure
• An outdoor “kitchen” play area
• An “OPAL” outdoor storage unit and stage area
• An outdoor classroom
• New trees
• New four-square courts
• New basketball court
• Picnic tables

For your little ones, it’s a chance for more interactions with the natural world. For your bigger ones, there’s more room to perform, and to learn. And for your biggest ones, the teenagers, more room to shoot hoops, more places to eat, and more reasons to stay at school during lunch!

How You Can Help?
Donate to Fern now by logging in to School Cash Online and clicking on "Make a Donation". If you have trouble, check out TDSB Parents Guide. You will be automatically issued a receipt for donations of $25 or more. Questions?