FernCon - Saturday February 23 - Update

Saturday February 23rd 10am-2pm in the Auditorium

PLEASE NOTE: The game flea market has been cancelled.

Let the Dungeons & Dragons begin!

Calling all dwarfs, Halflings, humans and elves. Meet up at ye old school Fern. All ages and levels welcome. Our Dungeon Masters have been busy creating adventures to play.

Please come to sign up for your spot at 10 am (lots of spaces are available).

Games will start at 10:30am and run until 2pm.
10$ to play

NEW! Miniature Painting 101
Saturday February 23rd, 11am - 2pm
$20 per person

Join award-winning miniature painter Anthony Watts for a miniature painting class.

Learn the basics of painting miniatures for use in roleplaying games, board games, and tabletop war-games with techniques anyone can learn - no experience required!

Come sign up at 10am - spots are limited and will be filled on a first come first served basis. All materials will be supplied. Keep your miniature after the class!

Pizza and Bake Sale