Welcome Back Barbecue: Volunteers Needed! Potluck Desserts! BYO Dishes!

Tuesday night is our Curriculum Night and Welcome Back Barbecue. We need your help!

Please follow the link https://signup.com/go/jMKxega to sign-up to volunteer for a shift at the Barbecue. We need help with set up and take down, as well as help during the barbecue.

If you have any questions, or trouble signing in to the volunteer site, please email us at Fernaveschoolcouncil@gmail.com.

We are also requesting contributions to our potluck dessert, salad, and veggie table. If you have something to drop off, please drop it off between 5:15 and 5:30 on Tuesday before the start of Curriculum Night.

Finally, please bring your own reusable plates, cups, and utensils if you can.
We look forward to seeing you!

School Council Exec