Calling all Parents | Caregivers of Grade Sevens and Eights!

Feeling a little disconnected from your child's school? Now that you don't do drop-off or pick-up, are you out of the loop?

Whether your child grew up at Fern or just arrived in grade 7, chances are you’re not hanging around the playground chatting. Some of you have already put in years of school council involvement at Fern or elsewhere, and maybe you have children in more than one school now so you’re less likely to be involved. We get it. However, we still want you know what’s going on, and there are particular ways that we need the help of the parents/caregivers of those on the third floor.

The first step is to help us communicate with you more easily.

One of the ways we communicate with you is through School Council Class Lists (not the same as the teacher's class list). School Council creates an email distribution list of parents in each class, and a parent/caregiver from each class volunteers to be the School Council Class Rep. This Rep will manage the class list and help facilitate communication by sending emails from School Council about Council events and other issues that may arise.

Due to contract negotiations this year, there likely will be information that we can share only to class lists and not on the blog. If we are planning a parent/caregiver response to a particular issue, (such as last year's "Walk-In" protest), we do not want to put the teachers in an awkward position by asking them to communicate the information. So, we would really like to have class lists that are as complete as possible.

Additionally, since your kids are in the Senior Division, there may be specific issues for a handful of classes. For example, we need to form a Graduation Committee to get started on supporting Senior students for their graduation fundraising, so it would be great if School Council could contact you directly.

The uptake for our School Council Class Lists is really low among grade 7 and 8. So, in addition to your kids not telling you what’s going on in school, we can’t tell you what’s going on in school.

If you did not sign up electronically to be on your child's School Council Class List, please email with your name and the name of your child's teacher.

Additionally, if your child is in either Ms. Cameron‘s or Ms Kertesz’s class, we do not yet have a Class Rep for them. We wouldn't like to see the parents of Senior students get left out, particularly with so many parents new to Fern. If you'd like to help, please contact me at:

Thank you so much. We look forward to a great year.

Alison McLean
School Council Co-Chair (and mum of a Grade 8)