Fern Avenue Public School – Boomerang Lunch

Dear Families,

As you may know, Fern Avenue Public School is a certified TDSB Gold Status Eco School. Our mission is to help our school environment and our community to be as environmentally friendly as possible. At Fern, teachers and students recycle, we reuse paper and materials when possible, we compost, and we are very aware of our environment and how it impacts how we live.

A few years ago, the Eco Team worked hard to implement "Boomerang lunches" for the entire school population. We have seen the benefits in our school and we are proud of our efforts. We would like to remind and encourage families to continue with this program.

A waste-free lunch/snack contains no throwaway packaging and produces no food waste. Food and drinks are placed in reusable containers and a reusable lunch bag. A boomerang lunch is a lunch that has every piece of it return to its source. In other words, everything in the lunch bag goes back home at the end of the day. No matter if it is leftover food, containers, recyclables or garbage. Yes, even garbage!

Some tips to help prepare a Boomerang lunch for your child/children:
• Use reusable containers for packaging snacks and sandwiches
• Buy bulk when possible
• Label all containers so that they are easy to identify
• Avoid drinks in containers that cannot be recycled

In order to continue making this program successful at Fern, we need the participation and support of all Fern families.

Help make a difference and support the Boomerang lunch program at Fern.
The Eco Team