Fern Sports: Fall Update 2019

It has been a great year so far for sports and athletic competitions for our students at Fern P.S!

A large number of our students from primary to seniors (over 180) participated in cross country, meeting individual challenges, and competing with peers.

Our students did really well in the first cross country meet, as 46 of our junior and senior students made it to the next round. Our students represented us at the south finals, and both our grade seven boys and girls teams’ finished first overall. Furthermore, fourteen of our students competed in the city finals, with most completing their races in the top third. Finally, our grade seven boys team came second at the city cross country finals. Way to go Team!

Congratulations to everyone participating on the Fern cross country team, and a special thanks to all the coaches involved in preparing our teams.

Our sports teams also did well in soccer this fall, as both junior and senior boys’ and girls’ teams won most of their games at their respective tournaments. Our senior boys’ football team had a good tournament as well.

Congratulations to everyone for their athletic successes, both individual and team!

Late fall sports involve boys volleyball and girls basketball. The girls teams have already started their practices, while the senior boys start volleyball this week. These teams switch in January, with girls playing volleyball and the boys in basketball leagues and tournaments. House league starts with senior volleyball this week and will go on for six weeks. We have over 50 of our seniors participating in one of the five teams - playing in the gym during lunchtime is anticipated to be a fun athletic and social event at our school for the winter months.

Finally, our junior and senior ice hockey teams will start their practices in December and play their games in January and February.

This is going to be another great year for extracurricular sports for Fern, true to our strong belief of the importance of physical activity and healthy athletic competition.

Sarantos Katsihtis
Physical Education Teacher