Halloween Fern Flicks Success!

Big thanks to all the parent volunteers who came out to run the event and stay for cleanup. Also, a great big thanks to all the grade 7 and 8’s who participated: they did the lion’s share of the set-up including the tech stuff (yay Tech Club), the chairs, the decorations, the bake sale organization, and were extremely enthusiastic 50/50 sellers.

We raised $1025 for Grade 8 Grad, and another approximately $1k for School Council programs!

The Bake Sale raised $750, so thank you bakers, and thank you grade eights for moving the product! If you brought a container for your baked goods, they are in a box in front of the Office in the school foyer.

The 50/50 draw brought in $250 for Grad (the winner donated his half back to Grad!), we made $25 from popcorn, and pretty much broke even on pizza.

Speaking of popcorn and pizza, thank you everybody for your patience. We haven’t cracked the code on pizza yet: we either end up with too much and give it away, or have people lining up and waiting for more when we run out. Our margins on pizza are low because we want to keep it accessible for everyone, and historically our parents don’t like when we order from the (less expensive) big chains, which means we end up in the red if we over-order.

We’re working on ways to improve the system for next time! Things being considered are electronic pre-ordering, or simply charging more and buying cheaper pizza. We could also try another, easy to scale food. Hot dogs? Samosas?

Our student popcorn crew was learning the ropes Friday night, so there were some supply issues. However, we are proud of them for sticking it out! It’s not an easy job. We now have a whole new group of experts for next time.

Huge shout out to our wonderful parent and popcorn captain Michelle Stewart who swore she wasn’t coming to do popcorn Friday night, and ended up helping us throughout the evening.

If you don’t have a teen, you may not fully appreciate what a big deal it was to have those kids show up on a Friday night (in some cases, to be seen in public with a parent!), put themselves out there, and take ownership the way they did. Trust me when I tell you that it was magic.

Thanks everyone for a great night!

Alison McLean on behalf of School Council