Fern Book Drive - Running now until December 20!

Give the gift of reading!  Want to purchase more great books for your child's classroom? There are still many ways to give the gift of reading, and 20% of book drive sales will go back to Fern to purchase more books for our classrooms!

There are three ways you can purchase books for your child's class:

1. Purchase a book online through Another's Story's website, https://www.anotherstory.ca/?q=p.book_drive . Select your child's grade level and choose a book from the list of amazing titles.

2. Visit Another Story bookstore in person and tell staff you are there for the Fern book drive. They'll help you purchase a book for your child's class from their Fern booklist. Another Story's address and hours are here.

3. Donate money through School Cash Online. We will use your donation to purchase books from the Another Story list. Login to School Cash Online and select "Make a Donation." Click "Fund Destination" to find Fern Ave. Junior and Senior Public School. In the message box, please earmark your donation "BOOKS." Donors of $25 or more will automatically receive a tax receipt.