Secondary Program Review and Optional Attendance Policy

The TDSB is undertaking a review of secondary schools to ensure all students have equitable access to programs and opportunities, as close to home as possible. As part of this review, the Board is also reviewing the Optional Attendance Policy (P013), which allows students to apply to schools other than their designated school by home address. 
There will be a public meeting on November 14, 7 PM at Western Technical-Commercial School, 125 Evelyn Crescent, Cafeteria to consult on both Optional Attendance Policy (P013) and Secondary Program Review. 
In addition to the public consultation, on November 14, an online survey asking all stakeholder groups similar questions to those being asked at the public meetings will be made available on the Secondary Program Review web page. This survey will be online until January 31, 2020. 
The Optional Attendance draft policy has been posted on the TDSB public site. To provide feedback, please visit the Policy Consultation page. 
You can e-mail your comments or questions about the review and/or the Optional Attendance policy to:
If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact