Next School Council Meeting - October 22 - Elections, Update from Trustee Robin Pilkey, What's Next?
SAVE THE DATE -- Thursday October 22, 6:30-8:30 Zoom
All Fern Ave PS Parents and Caregivers are Welcome (including our friends who have gone virtual)!
ZOOM link is at the bottom of this message.
We have one position open, Co-Chair of the School Council. So if you're interested, let us know. We need someone open to seeing issues from the perspective of parents from JK to grade 8, English, French, and Extended French, who can help arrange the puzzle pieces of our various committees and fundraising efforts, and who is prepared to jump in and help as needed with the details. Happy to provide you with more details if you'd like to join our team. To dispel any rumours, Alison McLean will still be the other co-chair, and she'll show you the ropes.
We also have a number of committee lead positions open, so if you are interested in STEM, Eco-Club, Food Committee, or just pitching in as needed, feel free to put up your hand.
Who knows how much could change between now and October 22? Ms. Sardella will update us on the specifics of what's happening in the school.
Trustee Robin Pilkey will be joining us to provide us with an update of issues on the Board level, and answer your questions. Virtual parents -- while we are happy to have you join us, and ask questions, we will need to limit the amount of time spent on virtual school questions, since this is the meeting of the bricks and mortar school. It will depend on how much time is taken up with other issues.
Time permitting, we will discuss School Council's priorities going forward, and think about ways we can best support our school community. Depending on how things shape up in the next three weeks, this will include plans for Outdoor Learning, inclement weather clothing drive, and ways we can enhance learning at Fern.
Our VP Tricia McGovern has offered to cut out the middle-man and send out the zoom link to everyone in messenger ( the link is below this message), so you don't need to RSVP. Thank you to those who already have. (note -- Please don't share the zoom link around. Last year's grade 8 grad ended up with zoom bombers, and we'd prefer not to disrupt our meeting in similar fashion)
However, if you have questions for Robin Pilkey, Ms. Sardella, or School Council, please provide them to us at by Monday October 19. You will have an opportunity for questions at the meeting - either on the chat function, or verbally. But our Trustee wants to ensure she has full information to answer your questions, so to the extent possible, please let us know ahead of time what topic areas you'd like to hear about so we can alert Robin. Similarly, if there's a question for Rosanna, please give us the heads up.
Look forward to seeing you.
School Council Exec
Meeting ID: 951 5631 7427
Passcode: 567987