Kinder Hot Lunch/Snack and Bagged Lunch Emails

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

During the last month there has been a bit of confusion regarding the Kinder Hot Lunch/Snack and Bagged Lunch email postings. Many of you have expressed a concern you are not receiving any of my email posts or reminders regarding the above mentioned purchases. 

Through careful investigation, I have discovered many of you have inadvertently turned off the notification button when you set yourself up on School Cash Online. Once signed into SCO, go to the top right corner and click on "My Account". Then, click on 'Manage email notifications". There will be a selection to check a box to turn ON or OFF notifications. Please confirm this is ON.

Also note the following applies to all field trips, school fund raisers, etc. Please feel to email or call me should you have any further questions or concerns. 

Regards, Vera