As previously shared, the TDSB will communicate with all families this week to confirm the final plan for the week. If notification is received that CUPE members will return to work on Monday, November 7th, all TDSB schools will re-open to students and will resume in-person learning. If we receive information to indicate that the CUPE job action will continue, (or in the absence of any definitive indication otherwise), school buildings will remain CLOSED to all students, and we will proceed as follows: On Monday, November 7th we will continue with asynchronous instruction and Fern PS will be closed to students. Lessons and expectations will be shared via the learning platform. Learning materials for students will be adjusted and made available as required Monday, November 7th will be a day to distribute technology to families and prepare for the provision of synchronous instruction All teaching staff will be in-person at Fern PS on Monday, November 7th...