Fern School Council Needs YOU!

A strong school community creates the foundation for our children to learn and thrive. School Council plays an important role bringing together school staff, administration and interested parents to create a place for discussion, idea sharing and planning of initiatives.

The School Council operates with a Council Executive (elected roles) and interested parents who participate in monthly meetings over the course of the school year.

Please note that simply by being the parent/guardian of a current Fern Avenue student you are a member at large of the School Council. As a member at large you are always welcome to participate in the monthly Council meetings.


We are looking for a new Treasurer. In this role, you are responsible for balancing the Council’s books, collecting, counting, and depositing proceeds from fundraisers, making payments, preparing, and presenting budget to Council.

You don’t need to be an accountant to take on this role! In fact, some have really appreciated how much they learned in this role about finances and preparing statements. It’s also a great way to get to know the school staff.

Learning Stream Representatives
We are looking for parent representatives for each of our Learning Streams: English, French Immersion, Mid-Immersion. In this role, you will attend School Council meetings and bring forward any ideas, questions or concerns related to the Learning Streams and take what you learn back to parents, students, and teachers.

Committee Leads and Members
We are looking for new people to participate in some of our committees. We are now in a position to get back to doing more things at the school, and we'd really like some help getting projects off the ground.
If you are interested in learning more about any of the committees below, please reach out:
  • Arts Collective
  • Community Engagement Committee 
  • Eco Club
  • Equity & Inclusion Committee
  • Events Committee (Movie Nights, Spring Fling, Fun Fair)
  • Grade 8 Grad Committee
  • STEM Club 
  • Wellness Committee 
To find out more, email us at fernaveschoolcouncil@gmail.com