
Showing posts from February, 2024

The Dance-a-thon is next week!

Our annual Dance-A-Thon is coming up on Thursday, March 7th and we're so excited! Students in JK-Grade 6 will be dancing throughout the day, and are encouraged to dress up in their 90s finest - the theme is   Saved By The Bell! When's the last time you were at a school dance?! Now's your chance for a throwback - we still need parent volunteers to help us decorate & clean up, collect donations, hand out snacks and keep up the energy on the dance floor.  Sign up here : The schedule is below, in case you want to volunteer during your student's dance period. Most importantly:  We are raising funds for the school! The top 3 classes that raise the most money win a pizza party!  There are 2 ways to donate:  1. Complete the pledge form that was sent home, and send cash with your child on  March 7 . A parent volunteer will collect it and make sure your child’s class gets credit....

Clap Out for Mr Lefkos

Our beloved VP Mr. Lefkos' last day at Fern is  this Thursday, February 29 ! Please join us in the school yard  at 3:30pm on Thursday  to do a clap out for Mr. Lefkos and thank him for all he has done for our school community.  Wear a hoodie as a sartorial nod to Mr. Lefkos if you are so inclined!  There are some goodbye cards circulating among the students this week, which will be given to Mr. Lefkos on Thursday.  We will have a card at Movie  Night on Thursday  for parents to sign, which we will send to Mr. Lefkos after he leaves.   A message on behalf of School Council

UPDATE: Volunteers STILL needed for Movie Night!

Hello Fern Families:   On Behalf of School Council  Bakers and Volunteers Needed for Fern Fun Flicks Movie Night - February 29!  Calling all bakers! Help us fill our bake sale table at Fern Fun Flicks, Thursday, February 29 (Leap Day!) Sign up here to bring baked goods, or to help in another way:    https://www. 10C084DAAAE23A4FECE9-47928088- fern *** We are still looking for volunteers, especially student volunteers, so encourage your Grade 7s and 8s and teens who need volunteer hours to sign up for a shift! *** Buy your tickets:  https://fern-avenue- All proceeds from Movie Night will be donated to the Parkdale Community Food Bank.

Extra Ed* Spring 2024 Lunch Clubs at Fern!

Please click  here  for details of upcoming Extra Ed programming at lunchtimes this Fall at Fern and for how to register . Programs start from May 13th.  *Please note that these activities are run by a third party provider for a fee. If cost is a barrier, parents may register their children at a lesser or zero cost, no questions asked. Refer to the flyer for details.*

Zoom link and agenda: Tonight's School Council Meeting

Hello Fern Families: Please join us tonight for our Fern School Council meeting starting at 6:30 pm . Agenda Feb 21st   Join Zoom Meeting 91455899751?pwd= TzlpblhyaUFCZWtkWUhaYm12RlNKUT 09 Meeting ID: 914 5589 9751 Passcode: 190667 One tap mobile +16475580588,,91455899751#,,,, *190667# Canada +16473744685,,91455899751#,,,, *190667# Canada


The Annual Dance-A-Thon is back and this year, the theme is: Saved By The Bell! On  Thursday, March 7th , kids are encouraged to come dressed in their 90s finest & ready to bust a move! Every student in grades JK-6 will dance for a period during the day and this year, we’re raising funds for in-school enrichment in the arts, STEM, and physical education. Everybody gets to dance, regardless of whether they raise money. The top 3 classes that raise the most money win a pizza party! HOW TO DONATE/RAISE MONEY The Office CANNOT collect cash, so instead we have TWO easy ways to donate: 1. Complete the pledge form and send cash with your child on  March 7 . A parent volunteer will collect it and make sure your child’s class gets credit. Watch your kids backpack for the pledge form today or tomorrow. 2. Donate on School Cash Online: Sign in here: . Click the MAKE A DONATION button Choose Fern Ave Jr. and Sr. PS and choose “Dance-...

Western Technical-Commercial School Orientation and Registration

Save the date February 21st at 7pm All students who intend on attending Western Tech in September 2024 are encouraged to attend with parents and guardians Grade 9 Orientation and Registration evening.

GRADE 8 HOODIES...Store closes on February 15!!

Grade 8 Hoodies: Store closes on Feb 15th  Please see link below for purchasing the Grade 8 Graduation Hoodie. The hoodies will be delivered to the school .  https://ferngrads2024.

UPDATE: Tonight's School Council Meeting RESCHEDULED

Please be advised that School Council Meeting for tonight is cancelled and  is rescheduled for Feb 21st. We look forward to seeing you all then.

Fern Fun Flicks Movie Night: Tickets now on sale!!

FERN FUN FLICKS -- LUCA -- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, LEAP DAY! MOVIE STARTS AT 6PM, DOORS OPEN AT 5:30. Pizza! Bake Sale! Popcorn!  All proceeds will be donated to the Parkdale Community Food Bank!   We will be collecting non-perishable food items in the foyer as well. Buy your tickets at  https://fern-avenue-school- We need volunteers to make this happen! Please sign up to volunteer here*: go/10C084DAAAE23A4FECE9- 47928088-fern *We will set aside tickets for student volunteers, but ask parent volunteers to please remember to buy tickets for themselves and their kids.   See you February 29!